Advertising Account Audit & Forecasting

A thorough advertising audit is essential to determining the next steps in account management. Some of the things our comprehensive audit process looks at include:

Bid Optimization

One of the biggest two issues on Amazon is correctly managing keyword bids. If you are bidding the same amount for every keyword in a campaign, then you are limiting your ability to scale aggressively for converting search terms, and reduce wasted spend on poor search terms. We review how you have been managing your bids across the board to see what simple adjustments can be made for an immediate benefit.

Campaign Structure

The second of the big two issues is poor campaign structure. The one auto + one manual campaign structure just doesn't cut it; you need multiple campaigns of each type, with different purposes, segmented at a SKU level to get meaningful data and know where to scale effectively.

Keyword Management

Consistently poor-performing keywords need to be added as a negative exact match, repeat irrelevant keywords should be negative phrase matched, and high performing keywords need to be added to a scalable campaign for individual scaling. This labor-intensive process is not only profitable, but can save you an incredible amount of money through preventing bad clicks.

Plan of Action

Once we review all this information, we will put together an action plan to help your business reach it's PPC goals.

PPC Forecasting*

This highly advanced practice is only carried out by a few top PPC consultants, and gives you concrete, measurable estimations of what we can do with your account in 30 and 60 days. Utilising algorithms generated from year of experience and account data we can give you a solid idea of what to expect in terms of Sales, Spend and AOCS when you work with us. *Note: PPC forecasting is only available for accounts which have been advertising for at least 60 days prior to the audit.